The Complete PompaCore Certification Course

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The Complete PompaCore Certification Course

The Complete PompaCore Certification Course offers a comprehensive approach to addressing chronic illness by focusing on identifying and removing the root cause rather than merely treating symptoms. It recognizes the prevalence of toxins in our modern environment and provides you with the tools and knowledge to navigate this complex landscape.

Here's a breakdown of the course structure and what participants can expect to learn:

Certification Bundle: 

Duration: 2-5 months (self paced)


  • 1-on-1 Success Coach (1 onboarding call and 12 in total 1:1 calls)
  • Live Calls with Experts
    • Education on Labs
    • Education on the Latest Modalities and Technologies to keep you up-to-date on the latest
    • Surprise Guest Visits
    • Weekly Live Q&A
  • Private Community
    • Over 100 participants from all walks of life to network and collaborate with
  • Resource Library Access

Educational Content:

  • Over 36 hours of video instruction
  • Over 100 Downloadable PDFs for education

Bonus: High-Level Business Bundle

  • Done-4-U Client Portal
  • Access to Pompa CMS (Client Management System)
  • Funnels/Follow-Ups
  • Local & National Advertising
  • Product Fulfillment Service (Ship to USA & Canada)
  • Payment Management System


  1. The PompaCore - Core Ancient Healing Certification Course is designed to equip individuals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in ancient healing techniques, focusing on dietary strategies and fasting methods. Here's an overview of what the course entails:

    • Dietary Strategies: Participants will learn about various dietary approaches, including the Cellular Healing Diet, Ketosis, and Carnivore Diet. These strategies are aimed at optimizing cellular function and promoting overall health.

    • Fasting Strategies: The course covers different fasting methods such as Intermittent Fasting, Partial Fasting, Bone Broth Fasting, and Water Fasting. These fasting techniques are powerful tools for detoxification, metabolic health, and cellular rejuvenation.

    • Importance of Diet Variation: Students will understand the significance of diet variation in promoting health and preventing stagnation. The course provides protocols for implementing diet variation effectively to support clients in achieving true health.

    • Rationale Behind Dietary Strategies: The curriculum delves into the scientific rationale behind utilizing various dietary strategies and fasting methods to assist clients in attaining optimal health. Understanding the underlying mechanisms enables practitioners to tailor interventions to individual needs effectively.

    • Assessment Tools: Throughout the course, participants engage with quizzes and checkpoints to reinforce learning and assess their understanding of the material. These assessments help track progress and identify areas for further study.

    • 6 Module and 40 Lessons: The course is structured into six modules, each comprising multiple lessons that delve into specific aspects of diet variation and integration into the key components of hormetic stress to generate hormonal function. These lessons offer a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of the subject matter.

    • Final Exam: The course culminates in a final exam, evaluating participants' proficiency in the material covered throughout the modules. Successful completion of the exam leads to certification in Core Ancient Healing, indicating mastery of the principles and techniques taught in the course.

  2.  The PompaCore - Core 5Rs Certification Course offers a comprehensive understanding of cellular function, focusing on key aspects such as sources of toxicity, cellular membrane regeneration, restoration of cellular energy, reduction of cellular inflammation, and re-establishment of methylation. Here's an overview of what the course covers:

    • Education on Sources of Toxicity: This delves into the various sources of toxins that can accumulate in the body, including environmental pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful substances. Understanding these sources is crucial for mitigating their impact on cellular health.

    • How to Regenerate the Cellular Membrane: The cellular membrane plays a vital role in maintaining cell integrity and function. This module explores strategies for repairing and rejuvenating the cellular membrane, enhancing its ability to transport nutrients and expel waste products.

    • How to Restore Cellular Energy: Cellular energy production is essential for sustaining life processes. This module covers techniques and practices aimed at optimizing mitochondrial function, the powerhouse of the cell, to enhance energy production and overall vitality.

    • How to Reduce Cellular Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is implicated in various health conditions, from autoimmune disorders to cardiovascular disease. This module discusses methods for mitigating cellular inflammation.

    • How to Re-Establish Methylation: Methylation is a biochemical process crucial for gene regulation, detoxification, and neurotransmitter synthesis. This module provides insights into supporting optimal methylation pathways.

    • Education on Specific Conditions: Understanding the specific health challenges facing society is essential for effective treatment and prevention. This module covers prevalent conditions such as metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders, exploring their underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic approaches.

    • Education on Pathogens: Pathogenic organisms can disrupt cellular function and contribute to disease development. This module educates participants about common pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and strategies for combating their proliferation and impact on cellular health.

    • 10 Modules and 33 Lessons: The course is structured into ten modules, each comprising multiple lessons that delve into specific aspects of cellular function, health, and disease. These lessons offer a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of the subject matter.

    • Quizzes and Checkpoints: To reinforce learning and assess comprehension, the course includes quizzes and checkpoints throughout each module. These interactive components allow participants to gauge their understanding of the material and identify areas for further review.

    • Final Exam: At the conclusion of the course, participants are required to complete a final exam to demonstrate their mastery of the content. This assessment likely covers key concepts, principles, and practical applications learned throughout the course.

  3. The PompaCore - Core Cellular Detox Certification Course is designed to provide comprehensive training for individuals interested in helping their clients achieve cellular detoxification. Here's an overview of what the course entails:

    • Education on Sources of Toxicity: Understanding the various sources of toxins in our environment is crucial for effective detoxification. This part of the course will cover common sources of toxicity, ranging from environmental pollutants to chemical and emotional factors.

    • Supplement Education: Participants will learn about different supplements and their role in supporting the body's detoxification processes. This knowledge will help them recommend appropriate supplements to their clients based on individual needs.

    • How to Safely and Effectively Detox at the Cellular Level: Detoxification at the cellular level requires specific strategies and protocols. This course will teach participants safe and effective methods for cellular detox, ensuring optimal outcomes for their clients.

    • Understanding Why Your Clients Still Don't Feel Well: Despite efforts to detoxify, clients may still experience health issues. This part of the course explores common challenges and barriers to detoxification success, empowering participants to address these issues effectively.

    •  17 Modules and 132 Lessons: The course is structured into 17 modules comprising 132 lessons, covering a wide range of topics related to cellular detoxification.

    • Quizzes and Checkpoints: Regular quizzes and checkpoints help participants assess their understanding and progress throughout the course, ensuring mastery of the material.

    • Final Exam: A final exam assesses participants' comprehension of the course material and determines their eligibility for certification.

    • PompaCore Core Cellular Detox Certification: Upon successful completion of the course and passing the final exam, participants will receive certification in PompaCore Core Cellular Detox, validating their expertise in this field.

    Course Features:

  • Drip Format: Each lesson/module builds upon the previous one, ensuring a structured learning process.
  • Assigned Success Coach: Provides help, guidance, and support through 1:1 bi-weekly meetings, weekly live Q&A sessions, and email support.
  • Quizzes and Final Exams: Assess understanding and knowledge retention for each certification course.
  • Business Course: Covers onboarding, operations, coaching, sales, marketing, and accounting aspects.
  • Client Educational Portal: Utilizes the Toxic Bucket Theory and explains the 3 Components of Detox.
  • Advanced Protocols and Detox Support Therapies: Provides in-depth knowledge for practitioners.

This course not only equips you with the necessary knowledge to address chronic illness at its root cause but also empowers them with business skills to effectively implement their expertise in the field. With its holistic approach and comprehensive curriculum, the PompaCore Certification stands as a cutting-edge program in the realm of health and wellness.


1. How long is The PompaCore Certification?
a. Students have reported that it takes 2-5 months to complete
2. Is this a “self-paced” certification?
a. Yes, but you will have 1:1 meetings (1 onboarding call and 12 in total 1:1 calls) with your own Success Coach to help with you progress and understanding.
3. How is the content delivered?
a. This is a complete online certification and is done in a “drip format”.  Meaning that access to future materials will not be available without completing the necessary modules before moving forward.
4. Do I need to be a licensed practitioner/professional to take this certification?
a. No.  All you need is the desire to help your community find the root cause of illness to help them obtain TRUE HEALTH.
5. How many hours per day should I dedicate to my learning?
a. Many have successfully completed the education by dedicating about 30 minutes per day.  That being said, you move at your own pace.
6. Do I receive CEU credits?
a. Because our certification has proprietary protocols and supplement specifics, we cannot at this time offer CEU credits.
7. Do you offer a payment plan?
a. Yes, we offer 4 & the final balance must be paid in full before accessing the business course.
8. Do I need to get re-certified?
a. Yes.  In order to protect the integrity of the cellular detox program so your clients get the best results we do require a yearly recertification at $997. This price also comes with a bonus to our annual Dr. Pompa conference. You will be given opportunities to re-certify live/virtually within our community.
Total due $8,120.90

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